First Pres is a community that loves children and cherishes the opportunity to support families as they seek to grow in faith together. We offer Sunday School at 9:00 am with separate classes for Children (K-5th grade) and Youth (6th-12th grade).
In addition to our regular, weekly offerings, we also have occasional and seasonal events and celebrations that help us to center families within our community and facilitate connections across generations. Our Sunday worship service also includes a special message with children. Children, youth and families will experience a warm welcome here.

The Congregational Care team works to serve the congregation, physically bring people to church, brighten their day with birthday cards and monthly cards, listen to them, and visit them. The prayer chain, a phone call, a visit, or a ride are all ways that we provide care and connection to members of our congregation.
If you know of someone who is in need of a visit from our pastor, someone who would appreciate transportation to church, or someone who could use some encouragement, please contact us and let us know.

Wired Word
A discussion group that considers a headline news story every week from a Christian perspective, leaning on pertinent scripture. We gather from 9:00-9:45 am every Sunday, downstairs in the Social Room.
Women's Bible Study
Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 9:15 am at the church building, or the 2nd Friday of each month in the Aspen Room at West Hills Village at 4:00 pm September - May. All women are welcome to join us for a discussion-based study and fellowship.

Music rehearsals take place on Wednesday evenings:
6:00 pm - Bell Appeal (Bell Choir)
7:00 pm - Twice We Pray (Choir)
Twice We Pray sings for most Sunday worship services. Practices begin in September and go through May. Bell Appeal plays for Sunday worship once a month. New ringers are always welcome, and no prior bell experience is needed.
Contact our Music Director, Meredith Meersman:
​meredith@fpcrc.org // 605.343.6171 x702

This group works to reach out in the community and identify needs of organizations and people, to develop positive relationships and connections to help serve God’s people. They work to involve our greater congregation in participating in serving others. This work takes place through supporting organizations and offering opportunities for our church to learn about the work that is already taking place in Rapid City so that we can get involved.